I have loved guitar since age 5. Guitar has been my biggest joy. I feel sorry for those without music in their life. Very therapeutic and beneficial in many ways. Fun for all ages.
guitar teacher
I've had a passion for teaching guitar for over 30 years. I teach full time and not as a sideline. Private lessons in my home studio in NE Dallas are temoprarily on hold. Online lessons only for now via SKYPE or FaceTime.
Recording guitarist
Studio recording makes me very happy. One of my favorite activities. I currently have 59 original recordings for sale on and downloads on iTunes.
Pass on as much knowledge as possible.
I started playing guitar at age five and have been passionate about it ever since. It is as much fun now as then.
I have a classic music background and have developed a hybrid style of teaching by ear along with classic theory. No reading of music is necessary. Fun is guaranteed. Popular music is much easier than you think.
I specialize in popular music. Blues, Rock, Country, Popular, Bluegrass, Folk, a little jazz, and a little classical.
It is important to pass on as much of the information that has served me so well for so long to the next generation of guitar heroes.

Next Steps...
Prospective students or prospective bookers contact me here.